Thursday, June 6, 2013

A Birthday Promise

Today as I sat at my desk, I listened to one of my co-workers ask another "How old are you?"It was an innocent question.  In fact it turned out to be a compliment for the one being asked. It made her day!
There used to be a time when some women didn't want others to know how old they really were. At that moment it dawned on me that my own birthday was just a few short weeks away. Here I am coming up on my 41st birthday. WOW! where did the time go? It seems just like yesterday when I was learning how to drive and graduating from college. As I thought about my life, I realized one thing and that is God has been good to me. Just like God has been good to me, he will also be good to you. The next time you start complaining about the things you want to see happen in your life, or how old you think your getting, remember this, you can do anything you put your mind and heart to do. Make a promise today to live your dreams!

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